Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Half a year

It's been six months since i started blogging here, and it's been an interesting journey. The wonderful part is, i feel, the best is yet to come. i'm coming into my own, both as Master's pet and as my own person. i feel empowered and like i don't have to bow down to everyone just because i am a submissive (because i'm not your submissive, unless you are Master).

So i'd really like this to be a new kind of turning point. i do well with anniversaries as a kind of sign to point me in new directions. What i'd really like to concentrate on, at least for the time being, is furthering my submission. Now that i've progressed with discovery of self, i think it's time to dive back in.

Thank you all for being with me on my journey thus far. Here's to at least another six months!

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