Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bite me, bruise me, call me a slut

i've been thinking about being completely humiliated in public lately. Thoughts of Master leading me around in skimpy clothes on a leash while ordering me around in public haunt my thoughts. It's really rather a yummy fantasy.

i can't explain why the thought of Master doing these kinds of things turns me on so much. But it's like opening a floodgate just thinking of it. There really is not too many things better than squirming while glowing a bright red due to humiliation. My face is burning just thinking about all the naughty things Master could call me in public.

My biggest worry is that Master doesn't find it nearly as hot as i do. He's such a polite person, that i can't see him degrading anyone, let alone his beloved pet. And even though he'd mean the words out of love and respect, i worry that it's not a natural thing to him and that maybe i'd be forcing an issue he'd rather not deal with. Hopefully this blog will help me start a dialogue on all that tonight before both of us get too tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweeeeeeetheart! ;o*

Personal announcement!

Forgive me not being exactly the Shy Guy, but I sincerely do feel I have something important to say.

Stay cool, it's heavy stuff.

Best wishes,
Peter Ingestad, Sweden